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Earth ICT, SPC
Actively “Rebooting Computing” by commercializing energy-efficiency.
Earth ICT, SPC is a startup developing and applying energy efficient computing technologies to leap the Landauer Limit wall.
“Making computation more energy-efficient to save money, reduce energy use, and permit batteries that provide power in mobile devices to run longer or be smaller.”
― Erik D. Demaine, Professor of Computer Science at MIT
Provides the energy efficient truly/fully adiabatic devices for the architects of tomorrow
Energy efficient
Reversible logic
Truly/Fully adiabatic
Spacechip Global
Energy efficient, low power designs for severely power constrained applications
SmallSat market
Energy efficient processors that run cooler, use less power, cost less to operate
Smartphone market
Energy Efficient Datacenters
CPU’s, co-processors and accelerators
Be the Disruptor
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